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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

Steps to Stay Prepared for Storm Damage

1/18/2023 (Permalink)

The most important thing is to be prepared.

Storms, tornadoes, and winter storms can cause devastating damage to homes and businesses. While it's impossible to completely keep your home safe from these natural catastrophes, there are some steps you can take to prepare for storm damage. So whether you're in the path of an incoming storm or just want to be prepared for the worst, we've got some tips that'll help protect your house from Mother Nature's fury. 

Prepare in advance

Prepare in advance. The best way to prepare for a hurricane, or any other natural disaster, is to have your supplies ready and organized. You should know where they are and how much of each item you have at all times.

Stock up on supplies before the storm hits. It's easy to forget that storms can last for days or even weeks, so it's important to make sure you have enough food, water, and anything else you might need during this time period.

Protect windows

One of the most important things to protect in your home is your windows. If a storm were to hit and you don't have any type of protection over them, it could cause major damage. To protect the glass from shattering, use plastic or wood sheeting and secure it around the window. 

Clear yard clutter

In the days leading up to the storm, it's important to clear away any yard clutter that could be blown away by the wind. Remove any large branches that could fall on your home and clear away loose leaves and other debris from the yard. If you live in an area known for severe storms, consider hiring someone with experience removing fallen trees after a storm so that you can stay safe while performing tasks on your property.

Maintain gutters and downspouts

This is the number one way to prevent leaves, debris, and water from clogging your roof drains, which can lead to costly repairs. You should clean them regularly (at least twice a year) and make sure they are not clogged with debris. If you do notice any damage or gaps in your gutters, make sure to repair them before heavy rains come so that the problem doesn't get any worse than it already is.

Stay informed on the latest forecast

Monitor the forecast and look for any changes that might indicate a storm's path is changing, such as:

  • Changes in wind speed and direction
  • A shift in temperature
  • Clouds or fog forming over your area

Create an evacuation plan

Even if you live in an area that is not prone to severe storms, it's still important to have a plan for evacuation. If your home does happen to be hit by inclement weather, you will be glad you had time to prepare.

The most important thing is to be prepared. Whether you’re a homeowner, renter, or business owner, it’s crucial that you take the time to protect your home from potential damage during storms. If you haven’t done so already, now is the time!

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