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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

Avoid Plumbing Issues by Being Proactive

6/22/2022 (Permalink)

Be Proactive to Avoid Plumbing Issues

Plumbing is something that everyone needs but often takes for granted. It is usually only after plumbing problems are discovered that building owners get moving. Then, it could be too late to avoid water damage. The best thing to do is to remain proactive to prevent various issues with this essential system in your Roxborough Park, CO, commercial building.

1. Look for Leaks
Regularly look for small leaks around your plumbing lines, including sinks, toilets, showers, dishwashers, clothes washers, refrigerators, freezers, HVAC systems and water heaters. Also, keep an eye out for dripping taps. Any of these leaks can appear to be tiny. Still, they can quickly turn into excessive water bills and significant losses which require help from professionals, such as water damage restoration experts and plumbers.

2. Check the Toilet Flapper
A toilet flapper that is set incorrectly can result in a leak. The flapper is the arm with a weighted ball on the end that opens and shuts the inlet valve every time the toilet is flushed. It rises and falls with the water levels. This is how the water from the cistern is released to the bowl and then refilled. This is one of those plumbing problems that can result in high water bills but is typically an easy DIY repair.

3. Inspect Your Water Main
Your water main connects your building's plumbing system to the public water supply. It is usually located underground, so it's essential to know the signs of a broken pipe or other types of water main leaks. Here are just a few:

  • Low water pressure
  • High water bills
  • Water bubbling in the street
  • Water stains on drywall and/or ceilings

4. Clear Blocked Drains
You may notice a sink or bathtub emptying slower than it should. This probably means that the drain is blocked. Fortunately, this is usually an easy fix by using a drain snake.
Plumbing problems are something you hate to discover in your commercial building. However, many potential issues can be avoided by being proactive.

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