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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

How to Create a Fire Escape Plan for Your Family

5/23/2022 (Permalink)

How to Make Your Family's Fire Escape Plan

It’s not fun to think about experiencing a fire in your Lone Tree, CO, home, particularly one large enough to require fire damage remediation, but it’s best to be ready for any kind of emergency. Creating a fire escape plan is a great way to keep your family prepared. If you’re not sure where to start, the following steps may be helpful.

1. Locate All Exits
While you likely know all of the obvious exits in your house, there may be some that you haven’t considered. Along with doors, windows on lower floors can also be a quick way to safely get out of the building.

2. Create Multiple Escape Routes
You might be used to leaving your house in a certain way every day, but if there is a fire, your usual route might not be an option. When making your fire escape plan, figure out multiple paths from each room in the house to make it easier to find your way out during an emergency. You may find it helpful, especially for younger members of the family, to post these on walls around the house.

3. Have a Designated Meetup Spot
Because you may be separated from other members of the family while leaving the building, you should agree on a location where you will meet once you make it outside. This will make it easier to determine if everyone has made it out safely. This spot should be at a safe distance from the house and should be easy for everyone to remember.

4. Practice Regularly
It does no good to create an emergency escape plan unless you practice. In most cases, practicing once a year should be enough. If you have younger children in your family, you may want to have practice fire drills more often. Knowing exactly what to do during a fire can help make the experience less stressful if it occurs.
Having a fire escape plan and making sure your family knows what to do during a fire can help keep everyone safe. Practicing often will reduce the chances of panicking during an emergency.

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